Some Fun Site

Word Find

Enter as few or as many (up to 26) words as you would like.

Width: Height:


By default, words may be placed diagonally. Check this option to allow only horizontal or vertical words.


By default, words may be placed reading right-to-left. Check this option to allow only left-to-right words.


By default, words may share letters. Check this option to have selfish words that don't share letters. This produces very simple puzzles.


Word #1:
Word #2:
Word #3:
Word #4:
Word #5:
Word #6:
Word #7:
Word #8:
Word #9:
Word #10:
Word #11:
Word #12:
Word #13:
Word #14:
Word #15:
Word #16:
Word #17:
Word #18:
Word #19:
Word #20:
Word #21:
Word #22:
Word #23:
Word #24:
Word #25:
Word #26:

Number of words: 0

Number of letters: 0

Longest word: (with 0 letters)

Recommended puzzle size: 0 by 0

Comments or Questions or Other Categories of Communication


Email: Email address is required but will not be made public. It is used as your unique ID, not as an email address, so you do not have to give your real email.
