Some Fun Site

Baby Names : 1940 - 1949

Here are the most popular names of the decade.

  • SSA is Social Security Administration (alternate spellings are not combined) and
  • SFS is Some Fun Site (alternate spellings are combined).

Male names are first. Or you can start with the female names.

  • Most Popular is the total of the names over the whole decade.
  • Most Change is the difference in count between the first year and last year of the decade. It has the subcategories of Rising and Falling
    • Rising is the highest difference in count (which name has improved the most over the decade).
    • Falling is the lowest difference in count between the first year and last year of the decade (which name has dropped the most over the decade).

Top 25 Names of the Decade - 1940s

Male Names

Most Popular

Original (SSA)

1. James 795061
2. Robert 757403
3. John 710948
4. William 555908
5. Richard 477042
6. David 425972
7. Charles 361419
8. Thomas 350512
9. Michael 336291
10. Ronald 282184
11. Larry 255653
12. Donald 247542
13. Joseph 230071
14. Gary 217539
15. George 208836
16. Kenneth 198379
17. Paul 183188
18. Edward 174629
19. Jerry 167068
20. Dennis 161946
21. Frank 119290
22. Daniel 112665
23. Raymond 108951
24. Roger 107484
25. Stephen 106682

Adjusted (SFS)

1. James 795061
2. Robert 757403
3. John 729970
4. William 555908
5. Richard 477042
6. David 425972
7. Charles 361419
8. Thomas 352114
9. Michael 348093
10. Ronald 282184
11. Larry 255822
12. Donald 247542
13. Joseph 230071
14. Gary 227849
15. George 208836
16. Kenneth 200121
17. Stephen 187842
18. Paul 183188
19. Edward 174629
20. Jerry 171044
21. Dennis 165660
22. Frank 119290
23. Gerald 114948
24. Daniel 113329
25. Roger 112767

Most Change

Rising (SSA)

1. Michael 46657
2. David 31818
3. John 26220
4. James 24282
5. Robert 22469
6. Thomas 21124
7. Steven 18316
8. William 16592
9. Gary 16320
10. Stephen 16009
11. Larry 14535
12. Dennis 13846
13. Richard 13459
14. Mark 12531
15. Daniel 11987
16. Ronald 10697
17. Gregory 10206
18. Bruce 8452
19. Terry 8451
20. Kenneth 8423
21. Charles 8274
22. Joseph 8129
23. Timothy 7943
24. Douglas 7561
25. Paul 7439

Rising (SFS)

1. Michael 48989
2. Stephen 34325
3. David 31818
4. John 26554
5. James 24282
6. Robert 22469
7. Thomas 21212
8. Gary 17178
9. William 16592
10. Larry 14591
11. Dennis 13966
12. Alan 13851
13. Mark 13803
14. Richard 13459
15. Daniel 12067
16. Ronald 10697
17. Gregory 10206
18. Bruce 8452
19. Terry 8451
20. Kenneth 8427
21. Charles 8274
22. Joseph 8129
23. Timothy 7943
24. Jeffrey 7710
25. Douglas 7637

Falling (SSA)

1. Billy -1803
2. Bobby -1777
3. Wendell -916
4. Norman -915
5. Fred -880
6. Franklin -770
7. Joe -705
8. Bob -619
9. Gene -615
10. Dick -571
11. Bill -513
12. Don -495
13. Gerald -440
14. Leroy -374
15. Elmer -353
16. Jimmie -331
17. Earl -307
18. Harold -281
19. Cecil -270
20. Lowell -238
21. Bobbie -224
22. Wilbur -218
23. Willard -211
24. Marion -210
25. Delbert -206

Falling (SFS)

1. Allen -7008
2. Billy -2008
3. Bobby -2001
4. Bennie -1611
5. Wendell -1020
6. Norman -915
7. Fred -880
8. Franklin -778
9. Joe -705
10. Roosevelt -705
11. Bob -619
12. Gene -603
13. Dick -571
14. Bill -513
15. Dominick -485
16. Leroy -431
17. Irwin -363
18. Laverne -355
19. Elmer -353
20. Carroll -349
21. Gerald -340
22. Earl -317
23. Wilbur -305
24. Harold -281
25. Cecil -270

Female Names

Most Popular

Original (SSA)

1. Mary 639807
2. Linda 531485
3. Barbara 425124
4. Patricia 411302
5. Carol 292233
6. Sandra 265449
7. Nancy 251960
8. Sharon 221175
9. Judith 217955
10. Susan 211943
11. Betty 194572
12. Carolyn 181803
13. Margaret 172970
14. Shirley 171736
15. Judy 167666
16. Karen 167646
17. Donna 165476
18. Kathleen 152937
19. Joyce 151440
20. Dorothy 132196
21. Janet 130725
22. Diane 122850
23. Janice 118857
24. Joan 117658
25. Elizabeth 116503

Adjusted (SFS)

1. Mary 643028
2. Linda 559433
3. Barbara 426266
4. Patricia 411302
5. Carol 349234
6. Sandra 272315
7. Nancy 253500
8. Sharon 234991
9. Judith 217955
10. Susan 213550
11. Betty 208426
12. Carolyn 196931
13. Margaret 183731
14. Karen 175389
15. Judy 174480
16. Shirley 172784
17. Donna 168894
18. Diane 160797
19. Kathleen 157316
20. Catherine 154550
21. Joyce 151440
22. Dorothy 138652
23. Janet 134342
24. Janice 133716
25. Elizabeth 118056

Most Change

Rising (SSA)

1. Linda 72572
2. Susan 30931
3. Kathleen 20631
4. Deborah 18728
5. Karen 15172
6. Brenda 15085
7. Sharon 14568
8. Pamela 14492
9. Sandra 14469
10. Patricia 13652
11. Donna 12801
12. Diane 12060
13. Cheryl 11712
14. Cynthia 11008
15. Mary 10605
16. Christine 9629
17. Nancy 9480
18. Kathy 7849
19. Rebecca 6214
20. Barbara 5840
21. Connie 5417
22. Diana 5334
23. Paula 5195
24. Janice 5126
25. Carol 5010

Rising (SFS)

1. Linda 75130
2. Susan 31194
3. Kathleen 21464
4. Deborah 21222
5. Karen 16083
6. Diane 15383
7. Sharon 15251
8. Brenda 15085
9. Pamela 14802
10. Sandra 14634
11. Cheryl 14045
12. Patricia 13652
13. Catherine 13355
14. Kathy 13007
15. Donna 12877
16. Cynthia 11008
17. Mary 10928
18. Christine 10831
19. Nancy 9561
20. Vicki 8380
21. Janice 7007
22. Theresa 6798
23. Diana 6603
24. Rebecca 6310
25. Marcia 6240

Falling (SSA)

1. Betty -7123
2. Judith -4782
3. Dorothy -4456
4. Joan -4091
5. Helen -2507
6. Doris -2486
7. Eleanor -2068
8. Carole -2027
9. Norma -1933
10. Mildred -1305
11. Joyce -1243
12. Geraldine -1240
13. Ruth -1237
14. Lois -1220
15. Pat -1191
16. Frances -1187
17. Dolores -1141
18. Myrna -1050
19. Ruby -1041
20. Alice -936
21. Wilma -898
22. Florence -897
23. Marjorie -893
24. Arlene -868
25. Thelma -833

Falling (SFS)

1. Betty -7430
2. Dolores -7320
3. Judith -4782
4. Dorothy -4591
5. Joan -4091
6. Helen -2604
7. Doris -2580
8. Eleanor -2396
9. Norma -1933
10. Geraldine -1312
11. Mildred -1305
12. Frances -1244
13. Joyce -1243
14. Ruth -1237
15. Lois -1220
16. Pat -1191
17. Arlene -1172
18. Ruby -1093
19. Myrna -1050
20. Alice -944
21. Marion -930
22. Marjorie -905
23. Wilma -898
24. Florence -897
25. Jerry -886

View Top 1000 Names for each year of the 1940s

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